The Iranian President came to Columbia and got them laughing, but not on purpose. He declared, "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."
The crowd laughed him off. A few booed him. He then called homosexuality a "phenomenon" that didn't exist inside Iranian borders, and said that people seeking nuclear weapons are "retarded."
That drew a smattering of cheers from the anti-nuke crowd, but an uncomfortbale silence from people that don't like the word "retarded."
Can someone tell me the point of Columbia's exercise? President Bush tried to pass it off this way to Fox News:
"If the (Columbia) president thinks it's a good idea to have the leader from Iran come and talk to the students as an educational experience, I guess it's OK with me."
Bush's gambit is the old, "Don't stop your enemy while he is in the process of hanging himself."
Calling Dr. Freud
Another actor has broken bread with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Chavez is the guy that came to the UN last year and called George Bush the Devil. His opinion of Dr. Condoleeza Rice is that she is an illiterate (Rice speaks English, French, German, Spanish, and Russian) who suffers from sexual frustration. Chavez has also gone on the record as saying that the US is the biggest terrorist in the world. Nothing new there, and neither is his anti-Semitism. For some reason, a dictator must despise America first and Jews second. It's a prerequisite.
Spacey and Chavez

It is traffic-collision interesting to watch these rich celebrities bathe themselves in guilt and self-abasement. The fact that they can't see how they're being used would be sad, if it weren't so funny.
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