The media have run Palin into the ground, and they're going to keep her there. Now that her poll numbers are dipping sharply, they'll keep their feet on her throat. It serves two purposes: one, teach the lady a lesson about venturing into national politics ever again. Two, make sure those poll numbers stay low so that it starts to affect voter turnout in November.
It's not all the media's fault. They certainly have attempted to destroy her, but there's no reason why Palin should be helping them out. Three TV interviews in a month? That is like begging the media to rip you a new one. Since every single word she says is going to be scrutinized beyond belief, the right strategy should not have been less exposure, but more. Lots more. Fill the airwaves with anecdotes, stories, gaffes, whatever.
Biden gets a free ride not only because he's a Democrat, but because he's a goof. He'll say any fool thing, and he does it all the time. And that's the point: "Ah, that's just Joe. What a dummy." And on with life.
Instead of being caged by McCain's staff, Palin should have been trotted out all over the place. Fifteen interviews with local papers and media, just to get her confidence up. Field some questions, and hit some minor league pitching. Then five interviews with the big boys, a few townhall meetings, and a bunch of radio spots. After all that, she might still have been called a bimbo or a fool, but at least some good would have come out of it. A positive soundbite here, a touching life story there. She also would have found out what she needed to brush up on (hint: foreign policy). The crowds alone would have made her look good: a gaffe in front of a cheering audience is not a gaffe. A gaffe in front of an adversarial press is a gaffe-gaffe.
So far, Palin's simply been led out to the woodshed once every ten days to get a thorough beating. It's starting to show. Her confidence is shot. She's trying to remember all of the things that her tutors have stuffed into her head. She's heard the criticism from the media, internalized it, and now all of her answers sound like they're coming from cue cards. Her delivery has gone to hell, and her poise is off. She's trying to be too perfect.
Palin - When She Was Palin

Palin has to take some responsibility for this horrible week. Her answers regarding Russia and Pakistan were embarrassing, and her Katie Couric interview was a mess. Again, she was trying to be too perfect, and came off looking like a deer in the headlights whenever she didn't have the perfect answer. Reminder: there isn't one. Trust yourself and forget the mental cue cards.
Unlike a presidential candidate, a VP pick doesn't have much time to get up to speed. Governors especially are not thinking too much about Pakistani borders. Foreign policy is always going to be their immediate weakness, at least until they get a chance to talk to people and read some books. So when a VP is tapped on the shoulder, they have to cram, and cram hard.
Palin's been cramming, but she has to get back to her roots. Don't know the answer? Fine. But rely on your abilities and at least dance like you have the answer. Or, if you're dead set on being a true Washington politician, then just say, "Interesting question, Katie." And change the subject.
They all do it. Don't know much about Iran? Start off the answer with Iran, then start talking about somewhere you're more familiar with. Maybe Russia. Maybe North Korea. Whatever, just make it a dangerous place. Financial turmoil giving you a hassle? No problem. Switch to energy consumption and saving money at the pump.
I was watching a Charlie Rose clip from last year, where he interviewed Palin. It was like watching a different Governor. Actually, strike that. It was like watching a confident Governor.
Welcome to the bigs, Palin. Get out of your slump. Like it or not, you have to start hitting curves.
I'm no Palin fan, but I have to give her credit for last night's debate. I really didn't think she would handle herself well, even with her occasional winks at the camera, or her charismatic way of dodging questions. She really handled herself in the way we were first introduced to her at the Republican convention-confident. Biden did a great job not being gaffe, and I thought he was respectful towards her. There was definitely no contest in terms of who won the debate (in my opinion). But good for her, especially under all that pressure. Thought a part of me wishes she flubbed up just so she could give Tina Fey more material...:)
Now there's the Sarah I've been waiting for...Confident, kick-ass!! She really redeemed herself a lot from the debate last night.
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