I don't know what it's going to take for interviewers to get it through their heads that the man is a successful actor playing the role of James Bond. Casino Royale was well received by fans and critics, and Quantum of Solace is a hit.
So why do interviewers constantly ask the man, "How did you feel when everyone hated you? Did it bother you that no one said you could play James Bond? Did you read the blogs and get upset? What does that do to you as a person?"
I don't know about Craig, but it would make me want to slug an interviewer.
In last night's interview, Craig played along, but you could see his rage beginning to boil. MacNeil spent 5 minutes on the "How did you feel being called a loser?" stuff, even mentioning the name of a particular website which exists solely to bash Daniel Craig. Then she asked, "Do you think you're sexy?"
Sharp. Insightful. Very informative.
For the last time: the man's an actor playing a part. His movies are successful, and his returns on Bond are through the roof. End of story. Let go of the phony controversy.
The biggest laugh of the interview came when MacNeil pressed him again on how it feels to be hated, and Craig said he's become intensely private and doesn't like to do interviews.
I can't imagine why.
Want an even bigger laugh? Here's MacNeil's bio on the CBC website:
Carole MacNeil is now one of public broadcasting's most senior journalists. She's noted for her intelligence and her ability to really listen to the people she interviews.
I hate reporters.
Classic!! The drivel that comes out their mouths is unbelievable.
Craig is an excellent actor and I get the feeling that he believes his ability as an actor has been 'sanitised' by taking these roles. He is a hard-edged actor - take a look at 'The Jacket' with Adrien Brody if you want to see the roles he truly enjoys.
- Jam
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