Friday, September 18, 2009

One Way Of Looking At It

The disgrace that is modern journalism bleats its horn again. The Washington Post:

What happened next was a scandal that has shaken ACORN to its core. O'Keefe and Giles secretly videoed ACORN workers in the District, Brooklyn and Baltimore as they coached the secret filmmakers on how to evade taxes and misrepresent the nature of their business enterprise to get into a home.

In the wake of a public outcry over Giles and O'Keefe's videos, which went viral on YouTube and conservative Web sites last week, Congress has taken action. Thursday the House voted 345 to 75 to defund the organization, handing conservative Republicans a major victory. They have long seen the liberal group -- which offers housing and other services, including voter registration, to the poor -- as a shady operation devoted to electing liberals and siphoning off taxpayer money for a permanent underclass.

Everything these days is framed as "blank" and "conservative." If a couple of liberal filmmakers had made a similar video, the first sentence of that second paragraph would read: In the wake of a public outcry over Giles and O'Keefe's videos, which went viral on YouTube and [the web] last week...

The hosannas about offering housing and "other services" to the poor is a laugh. Other services being advice on tax evasion and how to import child prostitutes from overseas. Great.

So far, four ACORN offices have been exposed coast to coast, and five ACORN staffers have been canned.

Other than that, nothing to see here, folks.

Good thing the videos went viral, otherwise you wouldn't have heard a word about it. As Jon Stewart said, he's embarrassed these two amateurs outscooped him and he's only pretending to be a journalist.

Aren't they all.

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