Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Most Trusted Name in News

Via Hot Air.

The guys at CNN are unbelievable.

Here's Wolf Blitzer (the man who went -$4600 on Celebrity Jeopardy) and crew fact checking an SNL skit about Obama. Talk about sticking up for your guy. Fact checking a negative comedy skit about a politician? CNN's more transparent than a window.

At the end of the clip, they find time to pull out SNL's take on Sarah Palin, which they call..."dead on."

My favorite CNN/YouTube clip is underneath this one.

Fast forward to 1:23 to see your Fact Checker in all his glory:

1 comment:

James Nicholas said...


Dead on - what a joke!

So Sarah Palin brought a flute to the Vice Presidential debate, did she? Dead-on! In fact, SNL did more to mis-inform the public about Palin then all the Dems combined. Trouble for the left is, best shots not withstanding, she still is very popular with the rank and file.

But Wolf does seem so pretentious when you juxtapose his Situation Room report with his Jeopardy efforts. That's a gasser!

And that Andy was quick! Now there is a guy who has to think for a living... and he's in comedy!