Sunday, November 27, 2011

Grey Cup, Grey Hair, Black Eyes

Two CFL players finally did something worth watching.

Unfortunately, they're both over 70 years old.

Yahoo! Sports: The action starts almost immediately when Mosca and Kapp are both invited up on stage. Kapp holds a flower out towards Mosca, Mosca responds "Stick it up your a##," to cheers, Kapp then does stick the flower right into Mosca's face (as claimed in Mosca's version of events), then Mosca hits him with a handheld mike. Mosca then delivers the titular cane to the face a couple of times, and hard, while Kapp returns fire with a bull rush and a couple of punches and knocks Mosca through the curtain.

Talk about bearing a grudge. Apparently they've hated each other since a Grey Cup in 1963.

Unfortunately, the Yahoo! guy decides to get sappy: Someone could have been badly hurt here, and given these guys' ages, the danger of serious injury is even higher. It's also not the best advertisement for the CFL to have two of its legendary alumni engage in an all-out brawl like this.

Please. Like the CFL is going to get any better publicity than two old dudes throwing a fight made for YouTube.

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