At least, that's the thought that comes to mind when listening to the US press. According to them, it's dissension all the time. Business as usual.
Still it has been an enlightening couple of weeks in the American presidential race. I've been silent on it not because I don't care, but because I'm waiting to see how things shake out. Talking about Romney, or Clinton, or Obama, or whoever the hell just seems like a waste of time. You could write fifty pieces about Obama, only to find out that he doesn't get on the ticket. Imagine writing fifty pieces about Tsongas when he was fighting for the ticket against Clinton. Depressing.

Obama's all grins, as he should be. The Clintons are old news and now the junior Senator is the man of the hour. I'd be wary if I were him. His is a party of dysfunctional weirdos, and at any moment they could stop taking their meds and stab him in the back.
Obama's joy is interesting. He's been lauded by Senator Ted Kennedy as a great man for "change" and all the rest of the hocus pocus Kennedy tripe. Apparently Obama thinks that a fat cokehead who left a woman to die in a channel is just the kind of guy you need to endorse you as a presidential hopeful.
Kennedy gave a speech and said of Obama, "From the beginning, he opposed the war in Iraq. And let no one deny that truth!" All right, so the guy's a pussy. Big deal.
Kennedy went on to say, "With Barack Obama we will close the book on the old politics of race against race, gender against gender, ethnic group against ethnic group, and straight against gay."
I'm guessing the old fool is kidding, or senile, or just impervious to irony. News for you, Teddy: you're the old politics. You've been a Senator for decades, and you ran for president in the 1970's. So what you're essentially saying is, "I'm a bigot and a sexist. Good thing Obama's here to straighten out all the people that I've royally screwed over."

Ah, yes, JFK the progressive peacenik. He invaded Cuba, considered nuking Russia, put over 16 000 "advisers" into Vietnam, and didn't do a damn thing for civil rights (Hillary, though scorned, is correct: Johnson was the civil rights president). Yes sir, Kennedy was all about progressive change. Now he's being compared to Barack Obama, a man that said "of course" he would have private talks with any dictators that wanted to have a nice chat.
It's going to be a fun few months, watching these political junkies fight for the right to be treated like garbage for the next four years. Then again, some of them might deserve it.
Photos: AP/Yahoo News
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