To which I was told, "He quit last week."
Say what? You know you've run a lousy, sleep-inducing campaign when people don't even know that you've dropped out of the race.
I'm still puzzled by Thompson. Back when he was a Senator, I thought he made some pretty good speeches and sounded like a fairly straight-up guy. I thought his acting ability would get him through a lot of Q&A hurdles. Sure, he sounded kind of hokey, but that was just his shtick.
Nope. It turns out the guy's just some lazy dude from the south that roused himself for a close-up or two on Law and Order and the occasional movie that needed a political type from central casting.
As is my wont, I turned to the political cartoonists to give me a topical take. Here's a few of my favorites:

Rob Rogers

Ed Stein

Nate Beeler
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