Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Steyn In Haiku

I was reading Steyn's latest travails about his writing and the people that hate that he's, hater.

Anyway, since this story has become more and more like farce, I say it's time to have fun with it. And so...Steyn in Haiku. For backstory on this stuff, you'll have to click on his link above and go through it bit by increasingly bizarre bit. More Steyn in Haiku are always welcome.

Mark Steyn's bigotry
Outraged trio assemble!
No cash? No Sheikh. Shit.


Mark fronts Bushitler
Ezra says, "Attaboy, Steyn."
Top bestsellers: two.


Sinatra is King
Elmo sucks. So do Beatles.
Demographics? Yes!


Quotation Mark's up.
"Human rights?" Don't make me laugh
Fart me a lawsuit


Anonymous said...

Hmm...bad poetry always makes me cringe. I have discovered that bad haiku makes me want to string a few dozen koto with the alleged poet's intestines.

Funny how little incidents bring one to new insights about oneself...

Sean said...

What's a koto?

nicholas said...

"Fart me a lawsuit" is hilarious, the likes of which The Bard himself would have traded a kidney for, let alone a koto's worth of intestine.

Annonymous is all to seek.

Sean, don't allow envious lesser haiku artists darken your day.

Anonymous said...

Sean, writing haiku without knowing what a koto is? Hmm...kinda brings new breadth to the concept of "separate silos", dontcha? Kinda like knowing what a bicycle is but not having a clue what the word "wheel" means.

Seems that connecting dots and filling in gaps in your ownm knowledge base are lost arts in the Western World. Little wonder that we're going down the tubes.

Ah, for those days when people knew their culture inside out before choosing to overhaul it.

Sean said...

What is this "bicycle" of which you speak?

Ken from Burlington said...

"ownm"? "tubes"? Looks like you need to overhaul your knowledge, Anonymous.