Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A Fitting Memorial

Not to be a killjoy over the whole thing, but after flicking past the Greatest Funeral On Earth for the umpteenth time, I have to wonder: are the families of the kids that Jackson settled out of court with watching this parade of sanctimony? I wonder what they're thinking.

There's something creepy about watching a basketball stadium full of people stare at a coffin while the dude's brother wears a glittering white glove - glove, not gloves - and sings Smile. Freaky. It only get freakier when you hear the person in the coffin is missing his brain:

Michael Jackson will be buried this week – without his brain. As his family tries to finalise details for the King of Pop’s funeral on Tuesday they have been told it will be held back for tests.

They faced the grim choice of waiting up to three weeks for Jackson’s brain to be returned to them or go ahead and bury him without it – which they have decided to do.

A funeral-cum-freakshow. Somehow apt.

I found a fairly funny live blog over at THR. It provides some reality. Here's James Hibberd's take:

11:30 a.m.: A low-key (for him, anyway) Al Sharpton [What? You thought he wouldn't be there? - SB] gets an ovation with this line: “I want his three children to know: There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, and he dealt with it.” Young Prince Michael looks nonplussed, chews gum. Somehow you get the impression that kid is never going to have to clean his room. As for Sharpton's sentiment, it's nice and all. But Jackson's various seeming addictions (drugs, debt-chasing overspending, the surgeries, hanging with kids) were the very model of somebody who was unable to deal with his issues.

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