Saturday, August 01, 2009

Gotta Love It

This guy's a trip.

Here's the gist: "A report just came out yesterday. Said things were even worse than we thought back when we knew what we thought. Get it? So even though the stimulus package sucks, it's actually doing well. Not because it's doing well - but because things were more sucky than we thought. And no, the stimulus wasn't supposed to 'stimulate.' It was just supposed to 'put the brakes' on the recession, which, as I said, was really hard to do because the recession was even more sucky than we thought. So. Not my fault. Everything's cool. It's not that the stimulus isn't working, it's that the recession was worse than I told you it was. Cheer up, sport."

And that's all in the first thirty seconds. Revisionist history is such a gas. Maxim: lower the bar enough and you can make even cow dung look like Everest.

I swear I've just watched the :25 to :31 part of this clip half-a-dozen times. It's the funniest thing I've seen in ages. I have to hand it to him. The chutzpah it takes to say that line with a straight face is unreal. I also love the usual "Since I took office" stuff, as if he's Zeus just down from Olympus, and not a Senator who could have opened his mouth about the dangerous brink ahead any old time he felt like it.

Love. This. Guy.

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