Friday, December 15, 2006

Thinking Of You

This has been a hell of a long week, with a lot of work, but a lot of fun. Anyway, I just wanted to drop my friends and family a line and tell them that I'm thinking of them, loving them, and wishing them well as Christmas comes up to smack us in the kisser a lot sooner than we thought it would.

And Pete, have a great, big CC and ginger for me, would you?



Anonymous said...

Thinking of you too...
With my best smile.

Anonymous said...

right back at you - Lots of luck and well wishes for the holidays to you and your family. from one green eyed monster to another.

Anonymous said...

well wishes to you from one green eyed monster to another

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean,
I drank enough CC for the next year over the holidays.

Take care talk to you soon
