Saturday, October 20, 2007

Coppola's Comeback

Nobody's heard much from Coppola in the past 10 years, as he took a hiatus to write, grow grapes, drink wine, and enjoy life. His latest effort, Youth Without Youth is heading to theaters after a stint at RomeFilmFest.

I wasn't impressed or turned off by Coppola's last effort, The Rainmaker. Based on the John Grisham novel, it was a good legal thriller that starred a decent cast.

One thing that I've always liked about Coppola is that he gives credit where credit is due: The Godfather was called Mario Puzo's The Godfather at Coppola's insistence, and same with John Grisham's The Rainmaker. We'll see if this latest Coppola flick has Mircea Eliade's name in the title. Eliade was the Romanian writer and philosopher that wrote the novel.

More on the story here.

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