Saturday, June 28, 2008

Movie, Politics, Baseball, and Break

I was thumbing through the PPV guide on cable tonight, and saw a movie called The Cottage. The little info bubble said that it was 92 minutes long. I automatically thought it was a horror movie, and with a title like The Cottage, probably a harmlessly lame one.

I was right about the horror, but wrong about the quality. It's a British spoof movie that would best be described as Quentin Tarantino meets Friday the 13th. I won't tell you the plot, but I will say that it's a sleeper pick of the year, and you should see it when you can. Very smart, funny, sometimes gory, always entertaining. The writing is great.

I also saw that the Canadian Human Rights Commission punted on the Mark Steyn deal. No surprise. They're taking a beating from the press, and it looks like they'll have their hands full with a parliamentary review and an RCMP investigation.

I said a long time ago that the worst thing they ever did was pick on Maclean's and Steyn. The CHRC had a nice racket going and no one was the wiser. Then they went after big names and it blew up in their faces. I have a feeling they're regretting it already, and the dismissal of the Steyn complaint is an attempt at damage control.

The Jays got burned again tonight, and it looks like another .500 season for them. Tampa Bay, on the other hand, is tearing it up. It would be fun to see them give the Red Sox a run for their money, if they can keep it up until September. Tough to do, as the Rays don't have experience winning long seasons, but we can always hope. Otherwise, it'll be the Red Sox out of the east in a walk.

I'm going on a break for a week or so to chill out. The blogs have been random lately because I've been busy with some video stuff, and summer is keeping my occupied with the great outdoors. That doesn't mean I'm off kayaking or rock climbing, it just means that I walk outside, sit down, and don't have the computer around.

So happy Canada Day to all, and if I don't write again until the 4th, happy Independence Day to the Yanks.

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