Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's This Video Thing All About? (II)

I wrote a few weeks ago about the Republican baby steps into the mysterious world of web video.

Tom Price is back, this time with a response to last night's speech from President Obama.

Tom obviously gets it. He knows that you have to respond quickly and get it out there fast. As far as content goes, it's isn't bad. He agrees with the president on some stuff, disagrees on others, etc. But I'm not really looking at the politics here, more the method of his webcast.

In my last post about his web video, I said they should find a tripod. They did. And now...sigh.

Tom: buy a boom microphone or a clip-on mic. On-camera mics produce horrible audio, and they also pick up the sound of your aide flipping pages beneath the lens.

Still, it's another good effort. The lack of pro lighting gives it an impromptu look that works, so they should stick with that. We'll see what he does next time.

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