For instance, what do Lindsay Lohan, Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, Keifer Sutherland, Nicole Richie, Haley Joel Osment, Gus Van Sant, Chris Klein, Nick Nolte, Kim Delaney, Aidan Quinn, Tim Allen, and Michelle Rodriguez all have in common? If you guessed drunk driving arrests, you'd be correct.
Celebrities that tell us how to vote and what to believe are kidding themselves. As the above list shows, they are no better than the rest of us, especially when it comes to "making mistakes," and "just being human."

Anyone that rips on Hugh for this night of revelry is merely jealous. Yes, Hugh is 47. Yes, the girls were half his age. But he isn't married and he didn't hurt anybody, so where's the problem? Show me an unmarried 47-year-old that doesn't want to go to an all-girl house party and I'll show you a liar.
More on the story here.
Photos: Daily Mirror
All hail Hugh!!!
Gotta give the man some respect for that!
Good for Hugh! If I was single I would happily be some 18 yr old hunny's Mrs.Robinson LOL!
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