The NFL has been pushing the NFL to foreign market for a while now, but this is the first time the Super Bowl's been mentioned. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said Wembley Stadium would be a good venue.
On October 28th, Wembley Stadium will host the first-ever regular season NFL game on foreign soil, between the Dolphins and Giants. Tickets are selling well, and it might be a sellout.

I can't see football ever beating out soccer for attendance records overseas, but it would be nice to take a run at them. The rugby guys would be especially ticked. Rugby plays second fiddle in foreign lands, and they never get any credit (not that they deserve any).
A Super Bowl in England would be fine, except for the Limeys running around all over the place telling you, "It's no' bloodeh fooooball, ya wankah!"
Whether Goodell will be able to sell Americans on the idea that the number one game of the American sporting year will be held overseas in a country whose people are notorious for calling Yanks idiots does, of course, remain to be seen.
More on the story here.
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