Wednesday, December 14, 2011

iPad on Airplanes

Just a week after American Airlines kicked Alec Baldwin off a flight for, among other things, refusing to shut down a piece of electronic equipment, we get this:
The Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday that pilots on American Airlines flights would be allowed to use iPads instead of paper flight manuals in the cockpit starting Friday, as reported by ZDNet, even during takeoff and landing. But passengers are still required to shut down anything with the slightest electronic pulse from the moment a plane leaves the gate until it reaches an altitude of 10,000 feet.
The guy in 7D has to power down his phone or get reamed, but a pilot can sit on top of an airplane's controls and use an iPad.

It's becoming ever more clear that air travel was designed not only to get you from A to B faster, but also to prove that a human being's intellect and incredulity can be eradicated without much effort whatsoever.

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