David Brooks in the NYT: "Intellectually serious efforts are made to pay for at least half of the cost of health care reform."
"Intellectually serious." As opposed to non-intellectually serious, or idiot serious, or dumber than a bag of hammers serious, or clowns climb out of my head like at the circus serious.
Thanks for informing us common fools that a group of dancing bears didn't write the budget, putz.
Update: Pegs and Putz go hand in hand, so I'll put her latest laughers here. I love this stuff. Better than the comics.
Peggy Noonan, WSJ: Third is an unspoken public sense that we cannot afford another failed presidency, that we just got through one and a second would be terrible. Americans know how much good a successful presidency does for us in the world, in the public mind. The last unalloyed, inarguable success was Reagan. We need another. Liberal? Conservative? That, to the great middle of America, would, at the moment, be secondary. They want successful. They want "That worked." They want the foreign visitor to say, "I like your president." They want to respond, "So do I."
Yes, perhaps it, would, at least, make people, happy, to use, commas, to make their, point, about wanting, something, anything, to work, no matter what it cost, them. ("Intellectuals" often pay homage to the Comma Fairy).
"Americans know how much good a successful presidency does for us in the world..." Yeah, the world's heart was really boom-boom-booming over your hero Reagan, Pegs. I know you wrote a fawning book about him, but peddle the bull somewhere else.
I love Peggy and her omniscient ability to read "unspoken public sense." She brings it up every time she talks about a shopping trip that took her past a wind swept Italian restaurant dappled with the sunlight of a thousand children's eyes. Or something.
This bit from the piece is good, too:
A mysterious thing happened in that speech Tuesday night. By the end of it Barack Obama had become president. Every president has a moment when suddenly he becomes what he meant to be, or knows what he is, and those moments aren't always public.
That's actually true. A buddy of mine told me a similar story: "You know how they say that love will find you when you least expect it? Well, there I was at 3 in the morning, taking a dump..."
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