Sunday, April 26, 2009

Klein on Steyn

I was reading Steyn's piece on Pakistan, and I saw the heavy duty Intellectual Alert that Joe Klein spewed forth because of it:

Mark Steyn, the British conservative who seems to play at thinking rather than going through the actual work of thought, is all upset about the deteriorating situation in Pakistan. Well, yeah. Pakistan, neglected for eight years by a mortally hoodwinked Bush Administration, is a mess.

Ah, yes. Pakistan's troubles are all George W. Bush's fault.

Is there anything you can't blame on Bush? Opinion pieces in today's (but not tomorrow's; they're going bankrupt) high brow journals are a cut-and-paste affair. First sentence: state a problem. Second sentence: write the words "after eight years of" and continue.

Lefties are a funny breed. I think Twain said that southerners regarded the Civil War as the new B.C./A.D. For freaky self-descibed "intellectuals" (the kind of people that ruin a party just by showing up and opening their mouths), the new B.C./A.D. is the Bush Administration.

Before Bush, everything was sunlight, roses, an ask-not JFK speech, and the odd stained dress. Those were the halcyon days of tightly knit ozone layers and peace in our time. After Bush, life is just hell. If it hadn't been for him, Pakistan would be a vacation spot on par with Maui. Alas, the dumb Texan was elected president of the United States and suddenly Pakistan went in the tank.

Vis-a-vis the Pakistan deal, I can think of no better explanation than the one put forward by those venerable hard-thinkers at The Onion. No word on what Joe Klein thinks of it. Then again, maybe he couldn't draw overtime for the chore of watching a video and thinking it over (I'm still giggling over this line: "...the actual work of thought." Does this butthead really answer the phone, tell people he's working, then hang up and...think?)

Volatile India-Pakistan Standoff Enters 11,680th Day

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