Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Showdown in Texas

Very interesting and, dare I say, exciting.

I'm a constitutional junkie and I've been waiting for someone to say something like this for a long time. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out (if it shakes out; the governor of one of the biggest states in the union just told the capital to stick it, and damned if you can find a word about it on the airwaves).

I agree with pretty much everything Perry says in this statement vis a vis the federal government usurping states' rights. It's funny how parochial his words sound, literally and figuratively. It just sounds so old fashioned and hick to talk about a state as a sovereign territory in its own right. It doesn't fit the kumbayah storyline. Federalism has become a dirty word.

When it comes to the US constitution, I'm old school. It was not a document concerned with providing a central government with power. It was a document written with keeping that power in check at every turn. You'd never know that today.

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