Wednesday, September 10, 2008

As I Was Saying (VI)

Intelligence and public speaking in South Carolina appears to be quite rare.

From Politico's Jonathan Martin:

South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate "whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Bong! Ring up another few thousand votes for McCain (that's the man running for President, in case the VP-happy Democrats forgot). At this rate, McCain's going to save a bundle on advertising. All he has to do is make sure a reporter is within five hundred feet of a Democrat.

Though Fowler's asinine statement does nothing to impress you with the judgement of South Carolina's Democratic leadership, for sheer stupidity nothing compares to the state's 2007 Miss Teen America entry. Here she is answering questions on education reform. Give her 15 years and she's a shoo in as the Chairwoman of the South Carolina Democratic party.

Let's go to the tape:


Anonymous said...

half amusing / half painful to watch

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask the Democrats who are hot on experience in foreign affairs what experience Bill Clinton had as the governor of Arkansas. I know he had experience in other affairs but..
Oh yes, Al Gore was his Vice President.